We choose not to add any preservatives to wines, as we prefer to pasteurize our products. VinoSobrio wines is renowned for its fresh and delicate taste due to this new method of producing alcohol-free wines. This wine is filtered via a special technique to ensure there are no remaining traces of alcohol in the bottle.
Frequently asked questions
VinoSobrio alcohol-free wines tastes like real wine just without alcohol. It is impossible to drink alcohol-free wines if you are searching for the taste of alcohol. Alcohol-free wine maintains the character of original wine. Alcohol also provides a different texture, so when we remove alcohol it can change the ‘feeling’ of drinking a wine. That’s why it is also such a skill among wine experts to find the real tastes in alcoholic wine that are hidden by the alcohol.
It is important to serve wine at the correct temperature, sparkling and white wine 6-8 °C and red wine 8-10 °C.
VinoSobrio wines contain almost 6 times less calories than a wine with alcohol. Alcoholic beverages are extremely high in calories and can lead to weight gain. A single glass of a regular wine roughly contains 100 calories, but our alcohol-free wines contain only 20 calories, even fewer calories than some fruit juices. Our products are perfect for weight watchers to allow people on calorie-controlled diets to enjoy a glass of alcohol-free wine.
You might ask “Isn’t alcohol-free wine just fruit juice?” That is a common misconception. Alcohol-free wines begin as regular wine. The difference is that they undergo an extra stage of processing to render them non-alcoholic, while retaining all the flavor and characteristics of the original wine. The wine undergoes either distillation, or filtration, which removes the alcohol without damaging the wine itself. Grape juice is made from crushed and pressed grapes.
The scientific examinations have proven that all healthy influences caused by e. g. red wine, are not determined by alcohol. All the beneficial qualities of a red wine such as polyphenols, tannins, resveratrol, minerals and other compounds with nutritional and anti-oxidative qualities remain in alcohol-free wine. It is the polyphenols, found in red wine, that activates the vasodilator effect and increases the width of the arteries. Red wine is therefore good for the heart owing to the presence of polyphenols, and in particular resveratrol. Resveratrol encourages a decrease in bad cholesterol and triglyceride levels which are responsible for cardiovascular disease and heart attacks. It also has inflammatory and anti-oxidative properties which protect blood cells and slow down premature aging.
VinoSobrio wines contain almost 6 times less calories than a wine with alcohol. Alcoholic beverages are extremely high in calories and can lead to weight gain. A single glass of a regular wine roughly contains 100 calories, but our alcohol-free wines contain only 20 calories, even fewer calories than some fruit juices. Our products are perfect for weight watchers to allow people on calorie-controlled diets to enjoy a glass of alcohol-free wine.
Alcohol-free wines are alternative drinks for adults. People who do not want to consume alcohol due to sports, pregnancy or medical treatments do not have to miss out on all the excellent qualities that, for example, red wine offers.
VinoSobrio allows sports lovers to enjoy a glass of an alcohol-free and calorie-free wine without undoing all the hard work done. Even moderate alcohol consumption can hamper performance in sports.
You can finally join your guests with wine that offers tasting pleasure without the negative effects of alcohol on your body. VinoSobrio alcohol-free wines have almost no sulfite and high levels of antioxidants that reduce blood pressures.
VinoSobrio is only producing totally alcohol-free wine 0.0%. Our wine is filtered using a special technique so there are no remaining traces of alcohol in the bottle. Some alcohol-free drinks might contain higher ethanol levels than what is indicated on their labels.
Our alcohol-free wines can be enjoyed without harming the unborn or the newborn child. In case of doubts and questions, please consult with your doctor.
Unfortunately, in reality there is no level of alcohol use that can be considered completely risk free, even small quantities.
Alcohol-free wine is healthy. The scientific examinations have proven that all healthy influences caused by e. g. red wine, are not determined by alcohol, but rather by flavonoids which can also be found in alcohol-free wine. In case of doubts and questions please consult with your doctor.
VinoSobrio alcohol-free wines are a great alternative during celebrations in the workplace and when the staff organizes a drink amongst colleagues. We must remember that the consumption of alcoholic beverages in the workplace is the responsibility of the employer. Alcohol can be risks for the safety and security of employees.